Monday 10 November 2014

Have you ever had a thought that if all grocery stores , restaurants and markets shut down for a week and you have no food left at home ? What would you do ? I had the same thought too . The first thing , i will ask my friends and neighbors if they have any extra food to spare for me , but if they do not have any , then i would go to the temple , because temples provide food for charity to all devotees . Meanwhile i would also plant my own vegetables and tapioca as the source of carbohydrate in my garden . This is how people survived during the Japanese Occupation in Malaya in 1942 . 

My grandmother lives in a village and she has a very big chicken coop . I can also ask her to cook chicken for me . My family and i would migrate to a place where we can get plenty of food .

Another way to survive is by drinking plenty of water , because water will keep us from getting dehydrated . Water also provides oxygen and mineral for our body because a research says that a human can go for more than three weeks without food (water ) . At least 60% of the adult body is made of water and every living cell in the body needs it to keep functioning. Water acts as a lubricant for our joints, regulates our body temperature through sweating and respiration, and helps to flush waste . 

In conclusion , it is proven that we can live healthily even though all of the grocery stores , restaurant and markets are shut down . I would not worry of dying in hunger , because of the ways that i have found through readings and researches by experts .  

BY : Sarvambigai year 8A ^_^